Ever wonder why professional pickleball players like Ben Johns, Tyson McGuffin, Anna Leigh Waters, and Lucy Kanakova are successful in the sport? Of course, because they’re great at the sport, but besides that, they are also good sports. Being successful in the sport means you have to build connections. Remember that there is a doubles division in pickleball so you would need a partner, and no one wants to partner or even play with rude players.
Just like with any other sport, pickleball has some (unspoken) etiquette that you need to follow. Pickleball is a social game so it would require you to interact with other players. Everybody loves a good sport that respects everyone, and no one wants to play with sore losers. If you’re worried about offending anyone while playing, here are some dos and don'ts to guide you.
Be a Sport
Be respectful
This is pretty self-explanatory and applies to our everyday lives. Be polite and treat everyone with respect. If you disagree with anyone, civilly talk to them. There’s no need to be a (bleep) if there are problems. Any issue can be resolved if everyone stays calm and talks properly with everyone else.
Always use clean words when communicating with anyone. Pickleball is a fun game for everyone. There’s no need for trash talks and harsh language.
Greet Other Players
It’s always polite to acknowledge or greet other players. If you already know them, a simple smile, nod, or greeting can make the game better. If you don’t know them, don’t be shy to introduce yourself. After all, this is a great way to meet new people and make friends.
Play with Other Skill Levels
Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled player, play with anyone. Pickleball is inclusive of anyone from any skill level. Of course, if you prefer to play with others of your skill set, that’s fine. It just creates more opportunities for you if you play with other skill levels. Beginners get to learn more while experts can teach and impart their knowledge and experience.
If you’re an advanced player playing with a beginner, consider dialing down your moves to help the newbie keep up. There’s no harm in letting them play shots and this makes the game more enjoyable This can be a good teaching opportunity for you and help them get more experience. If you’re a beginner, don’t forget to thank the expert for being a good sport and giving you opportunities to be better.
Respect the Paddle Holder
Most of the time, players place their paddles in the paddle holder to determine who will play next. If you’re a beginner, you might not know this or be confused. It’s good to learn about this before playing, but if you’re still confused when you’re already at the court, don’t be afraid to ask the regulars. They’ll be more than happy to help you.
Call Outs
If you commit any fault like stepping on the Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) during a volley or the ball was out, call it out. Whether your opponent saw it or not, be honest and call it out. If you’re uncertain whether it’s a fault or not, give your opponent the benefit of the doubt and let them call it. Likewise, if your opponent is uncertain and asks you, observe it properly and be honest with your decision.
Respecting the Ball
Whether you’re playing in outdoor or indoor pickleball courts, respecting the ball is important. Just because no one else can see, doesn’t mean it’s not wrong. Remember that cheating doesn’t get you success and all lies get revealed eventually.
Ball Ownership
If you find any stray balls, look for their rightful owner. It can be tempting to switch your (worn-out) balls with a new one but just don’t. Be honest. Look for the right owner and return them.
Safe Ball Return
If a stray ball comes to your court from another court, don’t just pick it up and throw it back. The other players might be in the middle of a game and suddenly throwing the ball without warning may cause an accident. Wait for the other players to notice you and safely roll the ball towards their court.
Call Out Stray Balls
When your ball goes to another court, call out the other players’ attention to let them know about the stray ball. Stray balls may cause accidents and injuries if someone steps on them. Don’t be embarrassed and alert them. You wouldn’t want to step on another player’s stray ball right? So do them the same courtesy you expect from them.
Always wear appropriate pickleball clothes and invest in quality pickleball paddles. If you’re new, you can try pickleball paddles for beginners like the SLK paddles. If you’re an expert, the best pickleball paddles for advanced players are Selkirk Vanguard Power Air Invikta and Diadem Edge 18K.
If you want a paddle that’s suitable for beginners to experts, choose 101 Pickleball’s Zen Control.