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Pickleball for Kids

Pickleball for Kids: Introducing Your Kids to the Sport

Are you a pickler and do you want to introduce your kids to the sport? Well, lucky you because you can. Pickleball is a very inclusive sport. It welcomes all ages because there's even pickleball for seniors. There's also adaptive pickleball for disabled people.

Pickleball has basic rules. The essential pickleball shots are easy to learn and if you're planning on teaching your future picklers, it's guaranteed they'll learn it. Given, of course, that they're interested in the sport.

If you're wondering how to introduce your little ones to pickleball, worry not cause this is a guide for you. Here we will tackle pickleball for kids and tips and drills to encourage them to love the sport. 

What is Pickleball for Kids

Pickleball for kids is just pickleball but for the youngsters. Generally, pickleball is the same for kids and adults. Sometimes, gameplay will be shorter (because kids, even with unlimited energy, still get tired and bored easily) or the court will be made smaller for younger kids.


The main difference between the two is that for adults, the goal is to win and have fun while pickleball for kids aims for the kids to have fun and learn to love the sport. 

Why Choose Pickleball for Kids

Pickleball Is a Game For All 

Everyone can enjoy the game. Adaptive pickleball is for disabled people. Seniors can also play pickleball. 

Health Benefits

Pickleball is a great way to stay fit. Playing can improve coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health. 


Playing pickleball provides an opportunity for kids to play with their friends and meet new ones. This develops their social skills by encouraging them to interact with other kids.


The game is very enjoyable, no matter the age. Pickleball for kids is fun because it involves running around to try and hit the ball. Plus, they get to earn a score! Kind of promotes competitiveness, but this is a great opportunity to teach them good sportsmanship. 

How to Introduce Your Kids to Pickleball 

Find a Local Court 

Check with your local pickleball community for any pickleball events or programs for kids. You can also use a spare space if you have one and make a temporary court, but joining your local community would be more fun so your little human can socialize and have fun with other kids. 

Ready Your Equipment

All you need is a pickleball paddle and a ball. A net if you're planning on making a temporary court. 

Teach Them the Basics

Teach your kids the basics of pickleball like serving, returning, and the underhand stroke. 

Practice Regularly

Encourage your kid to practice every, even just for a short time. Help them build a habit of practicing. 

Join Leagues for Kids. Look for local leagues that your kid can join in and compete with other kids. 

Pickleball Paddles for Kids

Since we're talking about small people playing the sport, you might also think that it makes sense to get them a small paddle too, right?

Yes and no. It depends on the kid’s age and how well they can hold the paddle, honestly. For younger kids, you have to get the smaller paddles with smaller handles and lighter weight so they can hold and maneuver them properly. For older kids, you can have them try using the adult lightweight paddles if they can hold and maneuver them.

Go for a lightweight pickleball paddle that's also comfortable to hold (and has a longer grip, if possible), has a wide sweet spot for mishits, and has balanced power and control. 

OneShot Paddle JuniorShot Series

The Oneshot JuniorShot Series is one of the best specifically made pickleball paddles for kids 12 years and under. These paddles are super lightweight, weighing less than 6 oz, and have extra small grips. These paddles may be small (so your youngsters can use them properly) but they can do what normal pickleball paddles can do. Your kids won’t strain themselves using these paddles, plus they have fun designs your kids can choose from.

OneShot Paddle JuniorShot Series

Franklin Sports Youth Polymer Pickleball Paddle

Franklin Sports makes pickleball paddles for kids and that is the Youth Polymer Paddle. This is a lightweight and smaller paddle, but it still has a large sweet spot and a comfortable, non-slip grip.

Franklin Sports Youth Polymer Pickleball Paddle

Vulcan V300 Youth Pickleball Paddle

The Vulcan V300 Youth is another one of the pickleball paddles for kids you can check. This paddle is made for kids under 10 years old that’s why it’s lightweight (6.7 oz) and smaller in size (about ⅓ of a standard paddle). This paddle combines power and control despite its size and it has a fun color selection your youngsters can choose from.

Vulcan V300 Youth Pickleball Paddle

Pickleball Drills for Kids

Pickleball Tic-Tac-Toe

Tic-tac-toe is one of the great pickleball drills for kids that would help them practice serving. 

  • Make a 3x3 grid on the court. You can use chalk or tape for the lines and adjust the size of the grid according to how far your kid can reach.
  • This drill requires two players so you can assign the X and O to each player.
  • You can have the players do a coin toss or rock paper scissors to determine who will be X and O.
  • The first or X player will make a serve (stick to an underhand serve for now until they can master it) and mark the box the ball lands on. 
  • The O player will then make a serve and mark the box their ball lands on.
  • Continue until one player wins.

Around the World Pickleball Drill

This drill can help young players (or even adult players) who are still learning pickleball. Through this drill, your kid can practice doing forehand and backhand strokes, dink, lob, volley, and overhead smash. This can be done with one or two youngsters. 

  • Let's call one player a “feeder” because they will be the one “feeding” the shots or hitting the ball without traveling around the court. The other one will be the “traveler”, who will move around the court after every shot. Once the first is finished, they can switch roles. 
  • Have each youngster stand on each side of the court. If there's only one kid, you can be the feeder. 
  • The traveler will start on one side of the court, by the baseline for the return of serve. 
  • The feeder will serve. 
  • After returning the serve, the traveler will move towards the centerline. It's ok if they can't reach the exact centerline immediately. They have shorter legs, after all. Don't pressure the kid to run to avoid accidents. 
  • The traveler has to move around the court and has to touch every line of the court. These include the baseline, sideline, and center line. 
  • Once the traveler has circled the court, you can have the kids switch roles. 

Balancing the Ball on the Paddle

This is one of the pickleball drills for kids you can do with a group, but you can still do it with one kid. Balancing the ball on the paddle, either just by standing or walking, helps them improve their concentration and paddle control. You can also use this drill for a little friendly competition between the young picklers and make it more fun. 

Hitting the Target

You can put targets on the court or the youngsters to hit. It can be anything, a bucket or an object. This is one of the best pickleball drills for kids to help them improve their accuracy when doing pickleball shots. 

Rally Drill

This is another one of the pickleball drills for kids that need two or more players. This is to practice their rallying and improve their stamina. 

  • Place the young picklers on each side of the court. You can divide them into teams if they're a group.
  • If the young players are in a group, have them line up on their side of the court with the first in line to hit first. 
  • Start with a serve. Have them hit the ball toward the other team. 
  • After hitting the ball, go to the back of the line to wait for their turn. 
  • Continue rallying without making a fault. 


  • Line up the young picklers on one side of the court
  • You can be the "feeder". Start the rally with a serve.
  • The first kid will try to return the shot.
  • After the shot is returned to you, hit it toward the next kid.
  • Continue until you finish all kids and repeat.

Tips for Parents 

Be Patient

Remember that they are kids—your kids. Be patient as they learn the sport and develop new skills. It takes time for them to learn and eventually master the game. 

Make Fun the Center of It

Focus on having them have fun and enjoy the game rather than on winning. Winning is just the bonus, we're here for them to love the sport. Make this a time to bond with your child more too.

Be Realistic about Your Goals

Have your child set the goals and help them with it. Ask them what they want to achieve whether it is small or big, and encourage them to reach for it. You don't have to shatter their dreams if it's too big, just talk to them about it. For example, if your kid wants to be a prodigy like Anna Leigh Waters, tell them (in a way a kid would understand) that it would take a lot of work to reach that goal. Take small steps at a time. After all, nobody started from the top right? 

Encourage Them

No matter how big or small their goal is, encourage them to reach for it and at the same time, help them in achieving it too. Help them become motivated.

Be Their Role Model

Kids learn from their parents or guardians first, especially younger ones. They’re very observant and will copy you. Whether you’re aware of your habits or not, your kid can pick up on them. Show them how much you love pickleball and your healthy habits and practices. Be a positive role model to them.

Use the 101 Pickleball Zen Control paddle when playing pickleball with your kids and show them how to make controlled and precise shots. Get it now!

Encourage warming up before playing pickleball and cooling down after too. Explain why they're important and the pickleball injuries to avoid. Do it with them so they can see how important they are.

Overall, pickleball for kids is a sport that is fun and helps your youngsters stay active. If you want to introduce them as young as seven or eight, you can. There are pickleball paddles for kids that age. Try doing the drills with them so they would feel that you're there to bond with them. Don't forget to wear proper pickleball clothes when playing and stay hydrated all the time.


Key Takeaway Detail
Benefits Fun, social, healthy (coordination, balance, cardiovascular)
How to Introduce Find a local court, prepare equipment, teach basics, practice regularly, join leagues
Pickleball Paddles Lightweight, comfortable grip, wide sweet spot, balanced power and control
Drills Tic-Tac-Toe, Around the World, Balancing the Ball, Hitting the Target, Rally
Tips for Parents Be patient, focus on fun, set realistic goals, encourage, be a role model, warm-up, cool-down
Contact For more information or inquiries, email



Frequently Asked Questions about Introducing Kids to Pickleball

  1. What is Pickleball, and why is it suitable for kids?
    Pickleball is a racket sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It is played on a smaller court with a lower net, making it accessible for children. The game emphasizes fun and social interaction over competition, encouraging kids to develop coordination, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Its rules are simple, and the equipment is lightweight, making it an ideal sport for children as young as seven.

  2. How can I find a pickleball program or court for my child?
    To find local pickleball programs for kids, check community centers, sports clubs, or parks that host pickleball events. Many areas have dedicated pickleball courts, and you can also join social media groups focused on local pickleball communities. If you can’t find a nearby program, consider setting up a temporary court in your backyard or at a local park, where you can introduce the game to your child.

  3. What equipment do I need to get started?
    The basic equipment required for pickleball includes a paddle and a lightweight plastic ball with holes. While adult-sized paddles can be used, it is recommended to find paddles specifically designed for kids, which are lighter and have smaller grips for better handling. For younger players, you may also need a net if you plan to set up a temporary court. Look for paddles with a wide sweet spot and a comfortable grip to enhance the learning experience.

  4. What are some effective drills to help kids learn pickleball?
    Engaging kids in fun drills can make learning pickleball enjoyable. Some effective drills include:

    • Tic-Tac-Toe: Kids practice their serving skills while playing a game of tic-tac-toe on the court.
    • Around the World: A drill focusing on various shots like forehands, backhands, and volleys, where one player feeds the ball and the other moves around the court to return it.
    • Balancing the Ball: This simple exercise enhances paddle control and concentration as kids balance a ball on their paddle while standing or walking.
  5. How can I motivate my child to practice pickleball regularly?
    Consistency is key to improvement. Make practice sessions short and enjoyable to maintain your child’s interest. Set realistic goals together, celebrating their achievements, no matter how small. Incorporate games or friendly competitions during practice to keep it engaging. Being actively involved as a parent, whether by playing alongside them or discussing their progress, can significantly boost their motivation.

  6. What health benefits does playing pickleball provide for children?
    Playing pickleball offers numerous health benefits for kids, including improved cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and balance. It also promotes social interaction, helping children develop teamwork and communication skills. As they engage in physical activity, children can build confidence and reduce stress, contributing to their overall well-being. The sport also encourages a healthy lifestyle and can instill a lifelong love for physical activity.

  7. What should I keep in mind as a parent while introducing my child to pickleball?
    Patience is crucial as your child learns the game. Focus on fostering a love for the sport rather than emphasizing winning or competition. Be their role model by displaying enthusiasm for pickleball and healthy practices. Encourage them to warm up before play and cool down afterward to prevent injuries. Most importantly, create a supportive environment where they feel comfortable making mistakes and learning at their own pace.

  8. How to Play Pickleball Singles?
    In singles pickleball, the rules are largely the same as in doubles, with a few exceptions. The server serves from the right side when their score is even and from the left side when their score is odd. Players cover more ground since there are no partners, and the game typically involves more movement and strategy. Scoring remains the same, with points only awarded to the server.

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