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Common Pickleball Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Common Pickleball Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Pickleball is easy to learn, but hard to master. There are basic pickleball rules that you can learn fast, but it doesn’t mean you can become an expert overnight. It takes a lot of practice and patience to be a pro and you have to improve your DUPR rating. Making mistakes when playing is very common, especially when it comes to scoring. Pickleball scoring can be quite confusing at first, but you’ll get used to it.

In this blog, we will explore:

Pickleball Scoring

Scoring in pickleball is unique compared to other racket sports. It can be confusing at first, but once you get it, it’s actually quite simple.

  • Only the serving team earns points. If you’re in the serving team and your opponent makes an error during the rally, you get to earn a point. If you make a mistake during the rally, your opponent doesn’t earn a point. The serve just goes to the opposing team and they will now get the chance to earn points during the rally.
  • Normal games are played to 11 points, win by 2.
  • Tournaments are played by 15 or 21, win by 2.
    • Win by 2 means that the winning team must be ahead of 2 points against the other team. If in a normal game, the score is 11-10, the game must continue until someone is 2 points more than the other.
    • In instances of a tie, a tie-breaker game is played.
  • When the serving team’s score is an even number, the serve is made from the right side of the court. When the score is an odd number, the serve is made from the left side of the court.

Common Pickleball Scoring Mistakes

Committing mistakes during scoring is common and nothing to be embarrassed about as long as you own up to your mistake, apologize, and don’t be arrogant. Always remember your pickleball etiquette when playing. Here are some of the common pickleball scoring mistakes and how to fix them.

Incorrectly Calling the Score

As mentioned above, pickleball scoring can be confusing and complicated. Keeping track of everyone’s score can be hard. During gameplay and rallies, your mind gets more preoccupied with pickleball shots and strategies to use. It’s normal to lose track of the scoring and there will be times when you call it out incorrectly. For example, the serving team earned a point making their score 10 while the opponent is still at 8. You should call out 10-8.

How to Fix It: If you have an extra person who’s not currently playing, you can ask them to keep a tab of the scores so the players can focus on the game. If not, there is pickleball scoring equipment you can use like a smartphone app, a scoreboard, or a score sheet.

Not Switching Sides

After each point, the server has to switch sides of their court. Remember the serving rule? When the score is even, the serve is made on the right. When the score is odd, the serve is made on the left. Players forget about this sometimes, which can lead to wrong scoring.

How to Fix It: Make it a habit to switch sides whenever you earn a score. Keep practicing it until it becomes a routine.

Forgetting Double-Bounce Rule

One of the basic rules of pickleball is the double-bounce rule. This is done after the serve. Before hitting the ball to return the serve, the ball has to bounce on your court first (first bounce). Before the third-drop shot in pickleball, the ball has to bounce before being hit (second bounce). Players sometimes forget about this and hit the ball immediately, which makes the game unfair to the other team. 

How to Fix It: Practice the double-bounce rule consistently. Count the bounces after the serve until it becomes routine and you no longer have to count consistently. 

These are the most common pickleball scoring mistakes. There are other common mistakes in pickleball, especially for beginners. Here are the common beginner pickleball mistakes and how to fix them.

Common Beginner Pickleball Mistakes

Hitting the Ball Too Hard

This is one of the common beginner pickleball mistakes. Of course, when you're still a newbie, you're still trying to get used to using the paddle and learning the shots. You might not be able to control your power immediately. 

Hitting the ball too hard or giving it too much power can make it hard to control and is prone to mishits or errors. Balance is the key. You have to find the balance between power, control, and accuracy so you can hit the proper shots.

How to Fix It: Keep on practicing different kinds of shots and focus on placing the ball where you want it to. 

Not Using the Kitchen

This is another one of the common beginner pickleball mistakes. The kitchen in pickleball or the non-volley zone (NVZ) is the 7-foot space on each side of the net. As its name implies, you can’t do a volley while on it. In pickleball, there’s a saying that whoever controls the net, controls the game so your goal is to get as close to the net as possible. This means, using the kitchen to your advantage as much as you can. 

How to Fix It: Practice shots that can be done in the kitchen like the dink. The pickleball dink is your best friend when you're near your kitchen. Aim to place the ball inside your opponent’s kitchen to force them to let the ball bounce first before hitting it, which is hard to return. OR increase your dink's aggression during the rally and force them back until they make a mistake. 

Not Communicating with Your Partner

This is for the doubles match and this isn't just for beginners, sometimes even seasoned players make this mistake too. When you play doubles, you and your partner play as one. Misunderstanding can cause missed opportunities and errors. Plus, you may collide physically and cause injury. 

How to Fix It: Communicate clearly with your partner, even before the match. Discuss your strategies and any codes you might use. If you're familiar with poaching, communication is essential with that strategy. Poaching is when you cross the line and hit the shot that's supposed to be for your partner. If you don't communicate this with your partner beforehand, you might end up misunderstanding each other. 

Not Understanding the Rules

As mentioned, pickleball rules are simple but can be confusing to understand at first. It's ok, we're all allowed to be confused and make mistakes. What matters is how you handle it. Not understanding the rules can lead to not playing correctly and fairly. 

How to Fix This: Take time to understand the rules until you know them by heart. If there are things that confuse you, you can research them online about or don't hesitate to ask.

Not Warming Up Properly 

Not properly warming up because playing can lead to accidents and pickleball-related injuries. Injuries hurt and you don't want that. Plus, if you're lucky, you can end up in the hospital. We don't want that, right? 

How to Fix It: Do some warm-up exercises before playing pickleball like stretching and some light cardio. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does scoring work in pickleball?
    • Only the serving team can earn points by winning a rally.
    • Games are typically played to 11 points, win by 2.
    • The serving team switches sides of the court after each point.
    • A tie-breaker is played if the score reaches 11-11.
  • What are common pickleball scoring mistakes?
    • Incorrectly calling the score: Keeping track of the score can be challenging, especially during intense rallies.
    • Not switching sides: Forgetting to switch sides of the court after each point can lead to incorrect scoring.
    • Forgetting the double-bounce rule: Failing to let the ball bounce twice before hitting it after the serve.
  • How can I avoid making scoring mistakes?
    • Practice scoring: Familiarize yourself with the scoring rules and practice keeping track of the score during matches.
    • Use scoring aids: Consider using a smartphone app, scoreboard, or score sheet.
    • Focus on the game: Try to stay focused on the game and avoid distractions that can lead to scoring errors.
  • What are some common beginner pickleball mistakes?
    • Hitting the ball too hard: This can lead to uncontrolled shots and errors.
    • Not using the kitchen effectively: The non-volley zone (kitchen) is a strategic area to play from.
    • Not communicating with your partner: Effective communication is crucial in doubles matches.
    • Not understanding the rules: Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of pickleball to avoid mistakes.
    • Not warming up properly: Adequate warm-up can help prevent injuries and improve performance.
  • How can I improve my pickleball skills and reduce errors?
    • Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your skills and reducing mistakes.
    • Seek coaching: A qualified coach can provide personalized guidance and help identify areas for improvement.
    • Focus on technique: Work on your footwork, stroke mechanics, and strategy.
    • Watch professional players: Observe how they play and learn from their techniques.
    • Play with players of varying skill levels: Challenge yourself and learn from others.
  • What are some tips for playing doubles pickleball effectively?
    • Communicate with your partner: Discuss strategies, call out the score, and coordinate your movements.
    • Use the kitchen strategically: Position yourselves to control the net and force your opponents to play defensive shots.
    • Vary your shots: Use a variety of shots to keep your opponents guessing.
    • Support your partner: Encourage and motivate your partner throughout the match.
  • How can I stay focused and avoid distractions during a pickleball match?
    • Practice mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and focus on the game.
    • Set goals: Establish clear goals for the match to stay motivated and focused.
    • Take breaks: If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a short break to regroup.
    • Visualize success: Imagine yourself playing well and achieving your goals.
  • How to Score Pickleball?
    • In pickleball, only the serving team can score points. A point is scored when the serving team wins a rally, either because the opposing team fails to return the ball or hits it out of bounds. Games are typically played to 11 points, but the winning team must have a lead of at least two points. In some tournaments, games may be played to 15 or 21 points, still requiring a two-point margin.

There are some common beginner and pickleball scoring mistakes. Making a mistake is ok. How you handle it is what matters. If you get confused or can't get the rules, it's ok. Don't be afraid to ask other picklers or the ones more experienced. Pickleball has fostered a community where everyone is welcome. Learning takes time and can get frustrating. Don't worry, you're not alone and you'll get it eventually. 

Skill Common Mistakes Tips for Improvement
Scoring Incorrectly calling the score, not switching sides, forgetting double-bounce rule Keep track of scores, practice switching sides, understand and implement the double-bounce rule.
Technique Hitting the ball too hard, not using the kitchen effectively, not communicating with your partner Focus on control and accuracy, utilize the non-volley zone (kitchen), communicate strategies with your partner.
Fundamentals Understanding the rules, warming up properly Research and learn the rules, avoid injuries with proper warm-ups.
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