Pickleball 2025: New Rules and What They Mean for Players

Pickleball 2025: New Rules and What They Mean for Players

Pickleball, the sport we all love, is continuously evolving. This is one of the good things about pickleball, isn’t it? It doesn’t stop improving. Now that there are new pickleball rules for 2025, it must leave you wondering how they affect you.

But first, let’s take a look at the existing basic pickleball rules.

USA Pickleball

USA Pickleball is the governing body for pickleball in America. It is the one that creates the rules for pickleball and also the one to make changes if necessary.

Basic USA Pickleball Rules

One of the things that makes pickleball attractive or appealing is how easy it is to learn. For beginners, you don’t have to worry about getting confused. The basic rules of pickleball are very easy to understand.


A pickleball serve can be done in two ways:

  • Underhand Serve
    • An underhand serve is the usual go-to by players. This is where you hold the ball with your free hand and hit it with the paddle. Contact with the ball must be done below the waist.
  • Drop Serve
    • Drop serve is when you drop the ball first before hitting it. You don’t have to worry about hitting this below the waist because no ball will bounce higher than your waist anyway.


  • Only the serving team can score. If they commit a fault, the serve will go to the opponent.
  • If the score is even, the serve must be made on the right side of the court. Alternatively, if the score is odd, the serve must be made on the left side.
  • A game is usually played up to 11 points, win by 2.

Two-Bounce Rule

One of the things that set pickleball apart from other racquet sports is its two-bounce rule. This rule was made to prevent unfair advantages for one team. The two-bounce rule is done after the serve. The opponent has to let the ball bounce (first) before returning the serve. Before hitting the third-drop shot, the server must also let it bounce (second).

New Pickleball Rules in 2025

USA Pickleball made changes to some of the pickleball rules. Here we will discuss the most important changes made, the reason for these changes, and how they would affect you.

Penalties After the Match is Over

This calls for any unpleasant behavior made by any player after the match, but while they are still inside the court like throwing a paddle. A good example of this is when that pickleball player got kicked in the face because his opponent lost his temper. If it had happened in 2025, the pickleball player who gave the kick would have received a penalty.

Why This Change and How Does This Affect You?

Penalties for bad behaviors are going to be part of the new pickleball rules in 2025 to promote good pickleball etiquette even after the match has ended. Aside from match forfeits, tournament directors can now penalize bad behaviors during, in between, and after a match.

Define the Act of Volleying


A volley starts when the player swings to hit the ball and ends after the momentum of the action. If your paddle touches the non-volley zone (NVZ), it is an automatic fault.


A volley starts once the ball is hit and ends when the momentum stops. 

Why This Change and How Does This Affect You? 

One of the new pickleball rules in 2025 is made to clarify when a volley starts and ends. The main impact this has on you is that it wouldn't be counted as a fault if you touch the NVZ before hitting a volley. 

Rally Scoring


In 2024, rally scoring was approved and became a scoring option for singles.


Rally scoring also became approved as a scoring option for doubles. This type of scoring will be available for singles and doubles round-robins, team play, and singles double-elimination EXCEPT doubles double-elimination.

Rally Scoring vs Side-Out Scoring

Rally scoring is when points are won during the rally, no matter who made the serve. Side-out scoring means that only the serving team can win a point. All USAP Golden Ticket events and National Championships will use side-out scoring.

Why This Change and How Does This Affect You? 

This is one of the new pickleball rules in 2025 and was made to accommodate players’ interest in rally scoring. The rally scoring for singles that was introduced in 2024 was positively accepted so this time, it will be tried on doubles. With this rule, tournament directors now have the choice to use rally scoring or traditional scoring during professional matches. For recreational matches, you also now have the choice to use rally or traditional scoring. 

*Please note that this rule is for provision only so they are still being tested and after a year, it will be evaluated whether it will be permanently adapted or not. 

Round Robin Scoring


If a player or team forfeits or withdraws, they can still be included in tiebreakers but with only their winnings being counted. 


If a player or team withdraws, all their match results (win or loss) will be discarded and they will not be able to move forward with the playoffs. 

Why This Change and How Does This Affect You?

This is one of the new pickleball rules in 2025 that promotes fairness and prevents standings manipulation. This way, if you want to advance to the next level, you will have to play fair and earn your score. 

Not Ready Signals/Getting Opponent or Referee’s Attention


After a score call out, “not ready” signs will be ignored. 


“Not ready” signals will still be ignored. Only verbal indicators such as “stop” or “wait” will be recognized. 

Why This Change and How Does This Affect You?

This is one of the new pickleball rules in 2025 for fairness and sportsmanship. This is to give everyone a fair chance to get ready before starting a new serve and rally. 

To Sum It Up

These are just some of the highlights of the new pickleball rules in 2025. Sportsmanship and fairness are being promoted more through penalties for bad behaviors even after the match, round-robin scoring, and the “not ready” verbal signals. The meaning of volley is also being clarified as starting once the ball is hit until the momentum ends. These rules already exist and are just being clarified for better understanding. The rally scoring, though, is fairly new. It was already used for singles in 2024 and will be used for doubles in 2025.

If you want to check all the pickleball rules in 2025, you may check the official USA Pickleball 2025 rulebook and the 2025 rulebook change document.

Frequently Asked Questions About the New Pickleball Rules in 2025

What are the key changes to the 2025 pickleball rules?

  • Penalties for post-match misconduct: Penalties are now enforced for unsportsmanlike behavior occurring after the match.
  • Clarification of volleying: The definition of a "volley" has been refined to improve consistency in officiating.
  • Rally scoring for doubles: Rally scoring has been approved as an option for doubles play, providing more flexibility in tournament formats.
  • Round-robin scoring changes: Withdrawing from a round-robin match now results in the removal of all match results for that player or team.
  • "Not ready" signals: Only verbal signals ("stop" or "wait") are now recognized; visual signals are ignored.

How do the new rules affect players?

  • Increased accountability: Players are now held more accountable for their on-court and off-court behavior.
  • More scoring options: The introduction of rally scoring for doubles provides more flexibility and variety in tournament play.
  • Importance of clear communication: Players must now rely on verbal signals to indicate they are not ready.
  • What are the benefits of the new rules?
  • Improved sportsmanship: The penalties for post-match misconduct aim to promote a more respectful and positive playing environment.
  • Increased fairness: The changes to round-robin scoring and the clarification of volleying rules aim to ensure fair play and prevent manipulation.
  • Greater flexibility: The introduction of rally scoring for doubles provides more options for tournament directors and players.

Where can I find the complete list of 2025 pickleball rules?

You can find the complete list of 2025 pickleball rules on the official USA Pickleball website.

Are these new rules permanent?

Some of the new rules, such as the penalties for post-match misconduct, are likely to become permanent. Other rules, such as the use of rally scoring in doubles, may be evaluated after a trial period.

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaway Description
Penalties for Post-Match Misconduct Penalties for actions like throwing paddles after a match.
Clarification of "Volleying" A volley now starts when the ball is hit, not the swing.
Rally Scoring in Doubles Rally scoring is now an option for doubles matches, promoting faster gameplay.
Round Robin Forfeitures Withdrawn players are removed from standings, preventing manipulation.
"Not Ready" Signals Only verbal signals like "stop" or "wait" are now recognized.
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