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King Pickleball On Top of a Hill

Three's a Company: King of the Hill Pickleball

Are you looking for a way to make your pickleball game more fun and competitive? There are games or drills you can do that can also improve your skills.

Are you familiar with the game king of the hill? This game can be played with several sports but is also a game itself. Kids usually play the game king of the hill. Just to give you a bit of a background, the king of the hill game can be played with three kids or more.

For the classic version, the first kid to run up the “hill” will be the king and the others will try to push him off the hill and “claim” the throne. The last one standing is the winner or king.

For the group version, there will be “rival” groups that will fight for the king title. Each group will have a leader and allies. Only the leader of the other team can push the king off, the allies can only push the other allies away. Whichever group’s king is the last one standing will be the winner.

King of the Hill Pickleball 

Are you in a group of three and want to play a fair game? Are you in a… pickle?

Well, like they say, two's a company and three's a crowd. Luckily, it doesn't have to be. You don't have to take turns playing, you can all play together. And when I say together, I mean together together, all at the same time. Wouldn't that be fun?

The king of the hill pickleball version is perfect for you. The goal of king of the hill pickleball game is to fight against the “king” title and if you’re currently the king, your goal is to maintain that position. This game can also be played in teams, just like the playground version.

How to Play King of Hill Pickleball Three Version

  1. One part of the court will be the “hill” and one player (king) will stand there. The other part will be the lower court.
    Example of King of the Hill Pickleball Threes Version
  2. You can only gain scores when you're on the hill. 
  3. The rivals will challenge the king.
  4. If the king was able to beat the rivals, he would retain his position on the hill. If one of the rivals beats the king, the king will move to the lower court and the winning rival will be the new king.
    Example of Rival Beating the King in King of the Hill Pickleball
  5. The score is up to 7, win by 2. Whoever wins is the king. 

How to Play King of the Hill Pickleball Teams Version

  1. You need multiple courts if there are multiple teams. One court would be the hill with the king. 
  2. Teams can be assigned randomly or how you want them to be assigned. A “king” team will also be selected. The remaining teams will be the rivals.
  3. Any of the rivals can challenge the king.
  4. The other rival teams can play against each other and whoever wins will be the next to challenge the king.
    Example of King of the Hill Pickleball Team Version
  5. The score is up to 7, win by 2. 
  6. If the king loses, they will move to the lower court. The winner will be the new king and the winning rival from the lower courts will be the new challenger.
    Example of the King Losing in King of the Hill Pickleball Teams Version
  7. The goal is to maintain your position as king on the hill.

Benefits of Playing King of the Hill Pickleball

  • More Playtime. Everyone gets more time to play as they are constantly challenging others, especially for the three-people game. You don’t have to take turns anymore.
  • Improve Strategies and Critical Thinking. As you’re constantly being challenged by different people, you have to constantly adapt their styles to use them against them. For the three-people game, this will be more helpful since you’re playing against two. When playing king of the hill pickleball, you get to improve you skills like switching between defense and offense play.
  • Different from Traditional Games. This isn’t like the traditional singles or doubles, especially for the three-people game, but it will still follow the basic rules of pickleball.

Tips on Playing King of the Hill Pickleball

  • Communication. Communication must be clear amongst all the players. The rules should be clear and make sure that everyone gets it. Make sure that everyone knows who they are playing against. If you’re playing as a team, make sure to communicate with your partner what strategies you’re going to use, and don’t throw them under the bus just to get a score.
  • Choosing the King at the Start. You can randomly choose who the king will be at the start of the game, do a coin toss or rock paper scissors, or assign the strongest player as the first king.
  • Sportsmanship. Playing this kind of game can turn competitive. It’s important to remember your pickleball court etiquette. If you win, good job and be a good winner. If you lose, don’t pout and be a sore loser.
  • FUN. Make fun the center of this game. You’re here to play with your friends, not lose any because you’re a gloating winner or a sore loser. At the end of the day, what’s important are the memories and fun you had, not the title you won.

The Best Pickleball Paddle to Use for the King of the Hill Pickleball

You’ll be playing with different kinds of players so you need the best pickleball paddle to use.

101 Pickleball Zen Control

This is the best control pickleball paddle that also focuses on precision. If you want to focus on the pickleball dink, spin, slice, drop, and volley, this is the one for you.

101 Pickleball Infinity Balance

This is the best pickleball paddle for power and control. If you want to focus on hitting powerful shots like the pickleball overhead smash, this is perfect for you.

Holding Infinity Balance Paddle

Check out 101 Pickleball’s Zen Control and Infinity Balance to for maximum control and power you need to beat your opponents. Add to your cart and check out now to own your perfect paddle!

The king of the hill game in pickleball is a great way if there are only three of you playing and you want everyone to be included. It’s also great for many players so everyone will have the chance to play with everyone. This is also a great drill for young pickleball players.The game might be confusing at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s nothing but fun and it can also improve your skills. Just remember that you’re playing for fun and memories.


Key Takeaway Detail
Goal To be the last player or team standing on the "hill."
Versions Three-player and team versions.
Rules Only the king can be challenged, rivals play against each other, score up to 7, win by 2.
Benefits More playtime, improved strategies, different from traditional games, social interaction.
Tips Communicate, choose the king, sportsmanship, focus on fun.
Best Paddles 101 Pickleball Zen Control (for control), 101 Pickleball Infinity Balance (for power and control).
Contact For more information or inquiries, email
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